External Review of the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies
An external review of the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies is being carried out in accordance with the motion approved at the UBC Vancouver Senate meeting on December 12, 2018. The terms of reference for the review can be found here.
Consultation sessions have been scheduled for several dates this fall, beginning on September 24, 2019, to gather feedback from the UBC academic community on a renewed vision for the academic mandate and strategic direction of the Institute. To register for any of these sessions, please visit: https://pwias.ubc.ca/announcements/your-opinion-the-future-pwias.
A review team will visit UBC Vancouver for three days: January 22-24, 2020. The members of the review team are:
- Dr. Alan Bernstein, President and CEO, CIFAR, Toronto, Ontario
- Professor Margaret Levi, Director, Centre for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California
- Professor Jane Ohlmeyer, Erasmus Smith’s Professor of Modern History & Director, Trinity Long Room Hub, Arts & Humanities Research Institute, Dublin, Ireland
- Professor Veronica Strang, Executive Director of the Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University, Durham, UK
The review team will meet with faculty members, students, staff, senior administrators, and other individuals or groups that may interact with the Institute.
Prior to their visit, the review team will receive documentation on all aspects of the Institute’s operations, including the nature and quality of its services to faculty and students, its facilities and resources, its administrative structure and organization, and its internal and external linkages.
You are invited to provide relevant written comments – along with your name and affiliation to UBC – to the review coordinator, Dr. Eric Eich, Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President Academic Affairs, at eric.eich@ubc.ca by Friday, November 22, 2019. All comments will be held in strict confidence, and will be forwarded to the members of the review team. The reviewers’ findings will be of value to the senior administration, the Institute, and the university community as a whole.
All faculty are strongly encouraged to participate in this important process – your input is greatly appreciated.
Andrew Szeri
Provost and Vice-President Academic, UBC Vancouver