Call for letters of intent for Large Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund Transformation projects

June 05, 2023

A message from Simon Bates, Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning, pro tem

Faculty and staff at UBC Vancouver are invited to submit letters of intent (LOI) for Large Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) Transformation projects by 3pm on July 13, 2023.

About Large TLEF Transformation projects
Large TLEF Transformation projects are multi-year projects that are intended to advance UBC’s strategic goals relating to transformative learning. Projects are eligible to receive up to $200,000 in funding and can span up to three years. Typically, these projects impact multiple courses or programs, have the potential to involve collaboration across departments or Faculties, and align with one or more strategies or priorities in UBC’s strategic plan: Shaping UBC’s Next Century.

Application Process
Applications for Large TLEF Transformation projects go through a two-stage approval process. Successful applicants in the LOI stage will be invited to submit an application, due by October 12, 2023. Large TLEF projects seeking renewal funding for years 2 or 3 will also submit applications by that deadline.

For more information about this funding opportunity, priority areas and instructions on how to apply, visit

A call for Small TLEF Innovation proposals (up to $50,000) will also be announced in September 2023.


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