Leadership announcement in the Faculty of Applied Science

December 05, 2016

UBC regrets to announce that Dean Marc Parlange has accepted a position as Provost and Senior Vice-President at Monash University, and is resigning as Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science effective June 4, 2017.

Dean Parlange has been an inspired leader who has strengthened the Faculty of Applied Science, while bringing the multiple units in the Faculty together with the shared mission to create positive change in the world through the generation, professional embodiment, and innovative application of new knowledge.

He has developed a series of initiatives that will position UBC as a leader in innovation and education across the areas of applied science, and has been a thoughtful and respected member of the university’s senior academic leadership.

UBC congratulates Dean Parlange on his appointment but will truly miss his passion and drive. Dr. Angela Redish, Provost and Vice-President Academic pro tem, will work with the Faculty of Applied Science to appoint an interim Dean who will work with the Dean over the next six months to ensure a smooth transition.

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