2016 TLEF Showcase

April 01, 2016

A portion of UBC-V student tuition has been set aside to form the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF). The TLEF is a unique opportunity for faculty and students to apply for funding to carry out projects seeking to improve the student learning experience at UBC-V. A variety of successful applicants have created posters detailing how their TLEF projects are impacting the student experience across campus.

If you would like to view posters from the TLEF Showcase, you can do so here.

You can also view interviews with students about their experiences with TLEF courses here.

For anyone thinking of applying to the TLEF, this event will also provide helpful insight into the types of initiatives the TLEF supports across both Large and Small TLEF projects. 

The 2016 TLEF Showcase is part of Celebrate Learning Week. 

Date: Thursday, May 5th
Time: 11:30 am-1:30 pm
Location: Earth Science Building (ESB) foyer (ground floor)

This event is hosted by the Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, and the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology.

  • Teaching + Learning