Academic strategy

Welcome to Shaping UBC’s Next Century — the strategic plan of the University of British Columbia, launched at a time of renewal as we embark on our next century as a leading public university.

UBC’s strategic plan represents a roadmap. It sets out our collective vision, purpose, goals and strategies for the years ahead. It guides our decisions and actions–inspiring the very best in our students, faculty, staff, alumni and partners

Shaping UBC's Next Century focuses on three themes that we believe are critical to society today: inclusion, collaboration and innovation. The plan describes the strong connections between these themes and the four core areas that define what we do as a public university: people and places, research excellence, transformative learning and local and global engagement.

To learn more about Shaping UBC's Next Century, visit the strategic plan website.

The following plans support our broader institutional strategy:

UBC Vancouver

UBC Okanagan

Other Institutional Plans