There are two teams within the Office of the Provost that support faculties and academic units in their strategic planning and decision-making.
We can help connect your unit’s plans to the university’s academic strategy. From setting enrolment targets to writing your strategic plan, we can help you work effectively and efficiently to achieve your strategic goals.
Strategy and Decision Support
The SDS team provides strategic consulting support to administrative and faculty leadership. By partnering with units to align strategic planning across the university, the team helps enable UBC to identify and realize major opportunities and to tackle challenges that will shape our current and future success. Visit the SDS website to learn more about the SDS team and their services, or get in touch at
Office of Planning and Institutional Research
PAIR offers information and analytical services in support of planning, benchmarking and overall strategic academic decision support at UBC. PAIR also provides data to the BC Government, Statistics Canada and the U15. The office is also the UBC lead on providing data to the global ranking agencies (THE, QS, ARWU), and analyzes results when released.
Explore the PAIR website for statistics on a wide range of topics such as enrolment, student demographics, and faculty and staff counts, as well as dashboards and other helpful visualizations. Contact PAIR at