Making support for academic integrity part of teaching and learning at UBC
The Academic Integrity Hub in the Office of the Provost and VP Academic promotes and supports a culture of academic integrity for students, instructors, and Faculties. The Hub develops new resources, delivers workshops and presentations, and facilitates UBC’s newly introduced diversionary process.
The Academic Integrity Hub works across the entire academic integrity cycle
We support promotion and awareness initiatives, provide direct case management for the diversionary process, and offer remedial education and follow-up when requested.
The Academic Integrity Hub works with the whole UBC community
Our team works directly with students, instructors, Faculties, and staff to support awareness around academic integrity and the academic misconduct process at UBC.
To connect with the Academic Integrity Hub team to learn more about our programs or discuss a project, event or initiative, please contact us.
The central academic integrity website for students and instructors is a repository of information on academic integrity and the academic misconduct process.
Request academic integrity workshops and presentations
Instructors, staff and student groups can request presentations or workshops, and instructors can use our materials in their classes.
Facilitation of the diversionary process
The Academic Integrity Hub works with Faculties and students on cases of academic misconduct resolved through Integrity Plans.
Academic integrity Learning modules
Several online learning courses are available on Canvas for students or for use in courses by instructors.