The Provost has created an Advisory Committee for UBC Learning Spaces.
The committee, which is composed of the Associate Deans of each of the faculties and senior staff, provides a framework for optimizing UBC’s learning spaces to support flexible learning practices and deliver the best possible student learning experience.
Under the leadership of the Provost’s Office, the Learning Space Team is made up of staff from Facilities Planning, UBC IT-AV and Scheduling Services of Enrolment Services.
Staff collaborate to enhance and improve existing learning spaces and create innovative new places to study and learn across the Vancouver campus. This includes installing instructional technology in classrooms and teaching labs, supporting academic staff, faculty and students to schedule classroom use, and more.
Since not all learning takes place in traditional classroom environments, we’re also creating inviting, informal spaces that encourage conversation and collaboration in facilities across campus.
There are many places to study, teach or hold an academic event on campus. Review our classroom booking system and discover the many state-of-the-art features of our academic buildings and classrooms.
The Learning Space Team and the Advisory Committee are committed to supporting the University’s ability to be adaptable to the evolving needs of teaching and learning and have begun the process of reviewing the current scheduling processes and practices to better support an excellent learning environment. Find out more about the Scheduling Project.