3M National Teaching Fellowship Awards

The Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, supports faculty submissions with the 3M National Teaching Fellowship (Society for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education)

The 3M National Teaching Fellowship recognizes exceptional contributions to teaching and learning at Canadian universities. The community of 3M National Teaching Fellows embodies the highest ideals of teaching excellence and scholarship with a commitment to encourage and support the educational experience of every learner.

Meet UBC's 3M National Teaching Fellowship recipients

Recognizing that UBC has many faculty members who are worthy of this prestigious recognition, we strongly encourage all UBC faculty to support and encourage colleagues from your Faculty or School. The award recognizes and rewards faculty members who, in addition to being known for extraordinary and innovative teaching, are also exemplary educational leaders.

Individuals self-nominate for this award, usually coordinated through their home academic unit. The Office of the Provost and VP Academic provides the institutional letter of support for inclusion in the nomination package.

Applicants/Heads are invited to contact Dr. Simon Bates, Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President Teaching and Learning as early as possible in advance of the due date, for advice on the process, criteria and the nomination materials, as well as opportunities for feedback as the dossier is prepared.

Complete nomination packages should be sent to the Office of the Provost and VP Academic by the internal UBC deadline (October 25, 2024). Following sign-off by the Provost, our office will return the package to the Faculty who must then submit it directly to the competition by the final deadline. The 2024 nomination deadline is November 15.

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