The Distinguished University Scholar program recognizes members of UBC Faculty who have distinguished themselves as exceptional scholars. The program runs every two years. The DUS designation is conferred by the President on the recommendation of an adjudication panel. The next call for nominations will be issued in early 2025.
Meet UBC's Distinguished University Scholars
The Office of the Provost & and Vice-President, Academic (Vancouver), administers the Distinguished University Scholar (DUS) program every second year. It runs in alternate years to the University Killam Professor program which is administered by the Office of the VP Research & Innovation.
Up to 10 new Distinguished University Scholars will be conferred in each adjudication round every two years.
DUS appointees receive one-time research support in the amount of $20,000, plus a stipend of $20,000 per year for five years. The annual stipend is potentially renewable once, for another five-year term.
A limited number of additional DUS nominations may be adjudicated during each two-year period, if needed in exceptional circumstances for the recruitment or retention of outstanding faculty who meet the DUS criteria at the highest level.
The DUS title continues to be held by the Distinguished University Scholar as long as they are a tenured member of UBC faculty or a UBC Professor Emeritus. For grant-tenured faculty members, the DUS title would be carried for the duration of their position at UBC.
If a Distinguished University Scholar later attains the designation of University Killam Professor, the UKP funding takes precedence and the five-year DUS annual stipends would be discontinued.