Funding for bursary awards for students in Designated Graduate Programs is made available by the specific Graduate Program listed below, subject to available funding.
A program may provide faculty-funded or donor-funded bursaries, depending on funding availability. Pursuant to Policy LR10, the Provost has designated the following graduate programs to manage bursaries in this manner. Students in need of bursary support should refer to the general UBC Bursary Program website for eligibility requirements and application deadlines.
- Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership, EdD (EDLP)
- Doctor of Education in Reading Education, EdD (READ)
- Master of Laws in Common Law, LLMCL
- Master of Laws in Taxation, LLMT
- Executive Master of Business Administration, eMBA
- Professional Master of Business Administration, PMBA
- Master of Business Administration, MBA
- Master of Business Analytics, MBAN
- Dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Business Analytics, MBA/MBAN
- Dual Master of Business Administration and Juris Doctor, MBA/JD
- Dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Arts in Asia Pacific Policy Studies, MBA/MAAPPS
- Master of Community and Regional Planning, MCRP
- Master of Data Science, MDS
- Master of Data Science – Computational Linguistics, MDSCL
- Master of Education in Adult Learning and Global Change, MEd (ALGC)
- Master of Educational Technology, MET
- Master of Engineering Leadership, MEL
- Master of Engineering in Clean Energy Engineering, MEng (CEEN)
- Master of Engineering in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, MENG NAME
- Master of Fine Arts, Creative Writing (optional residency), MFA (CRWR)
- Master of Food Science, MFS
- Master of Food and Resource Economics, MFRE
- Master of Geomatics for Environmental Management, MGEM
- Master of Global Health, MGH
- Master of Global Surgical Care, MGSC
- Master of Health Administration, MHA
- Master of Health Leadership and Policy, MHLP
- Master of High Performance Coaching and Technical Leadership, MHPCTL
- Master of International Forestry, MIF
- Master of Journalism, MJ
- Master of Land and Water Systems, MLWS
- Master of Management, MM
- Master of Museum Education, MMED
- Master of Nutrition and Dietetics, MND
- Master of Occupational Therapy, MOT
- Flexible Doctor of Pharmacy, Flex PharmD
- Combined Master of Public Health and Diploma in Dental Public Health, MPHDPH
- Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs, MPPGA
- Master of Physical Therapy, MPT
- Master of Rehabilitation Science, MRSc
- Master of Science in Genetic Counselling, MSc (GECN)
- Combined Master of Science in Craniofacial Science and Diploma in Clinical Dental Specialty, MSc/Dip
- Master of Sustainable Forest Management, MSFM
- Master of Software Systems, MSS
- Master of Social Work (distance), MSW (DIST)
- Master of Urban Design, MUD
- Master of Urban Forestry Leadership, MUFL
- Combined Doctor of Philosophy in Craniofacial Science and Diploma in Clinical Dental Specialty, PhD/Dip