COVID-19 Block Funding Report

An instructor's point-of-view photo of a computer screen showing a zoom call with many students, while behind the screen is a masked person setting up a video camera facing the instructor.
Photo credit: Paul H. Joseph / UBC Brand & Marketing

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, between June 2020 and March 2022, the UBC Vancouver Provost Office distributed over $14-million across the Faculties, known as “block funding”, to support academic continuity. Faculties also put forward internal funding and redeployed human resources to assist the teaching needs of faculty during this period. Feedback collected from faculty members through an online faculty survey and Associate Deans Academic and Students of the Faculties offers insights into the utilization and impact of the funds provided.

The Institutional Support for Teaching, Learning and Technology During COVID-19 report, prepared by Dr. Adriana Briseño-Garzón, Dr. Trish Varao-Sousa, Dr. Andrea Han and Jeff Miller of the Centre for Teaching. Learning & Technology, summarizes the findings from the faculty survey (681 respondents) and Associate Deans reports (across 12 Faculties).

Please view the report here.

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