UBC researchers awarded $1M Wall Fellowships to tackle B.C.’s most significant environmental challenges

December 16, 2024

The Wall Fellowships, valued at $1 million each, are the top prizes from UBC’s new Peter Wall Legacy Awards funded through the $100-million endowment established by Vancouver entrepreneur and long-time friend of UBC, Dr. Peter Wall. Dr. Wall has invested in the research potential of UBC for many years, helping to establish UBC as a globally recognized research powerhouse. These awards represent an annual investment of approximately $4 million in UBC research in perpetuity, making them among the most significant internal research award at any university in North America.

The program includes two Wall Fellowships valued at $1 million each, and this year, 19 graduate student awards and a total of eight faculty research awards for individual and team projects. The awards support faculty members at all stages of their careers, as well as master’s and doctoral students.

Please visit the UBC News site to read the story of the inaugural recipients.

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