UBC congratulates new University Killam Professors

January 19, 2023

We are pleased to announce the appointment of UBC’s three newest University Killam Professors. The University Killam Professorship recognizes exceptional teachers and researchers who are leaders in their fields, and who have received international recognition for their talents and achievements. It is the highest honour UBC can confer on a faculty member.

The new University Killam Professors are:

Nemy Banthia, Civil Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science

Photo credit: IC-IMPACTS

Professor Nemy Banthia’s research has advanced our understanding of how concrete structures perform during extreme events such as earthquakes, and how these structures can be strengthened using carbon-neutral materials.  His work integrates sensors into structures and uses data analytics to design cost-effective rehabilitation strategies. Prof. Banthia is the Scientific Director of the Canada-India Research Centre of Excellence, IC-IMPACTS, which has developed and installed numerous advanced technologies with remote and rural communities in Canada and India. Recognized for his mentorship and research, he has received numerous prestigious international awards and the Alumni UBC Global Citizenship Award. Prof. Banthia is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.

Dominic McIver Lopes, Philosophy, Faculty of Arts

Photo credit: Paul Joseph/UBC

Professor Dominic McIver Lopes is the author of 12 highly cited books in aesthetics and the philosophy of art. These works focus on new technologies in the arts, on aesthetic value, and on the values of artworks — both in terms of their beauty and also how they contribute to knowledge and understanding. A winner of multiple research and teaching prizes, Prof. Lopes has been recognized for his service to philosophy with the American Philosophical Association’s Quinn Prize. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a Guggenheim Fellow, a Canada Council Killam Research Fellow, and a Fellow of the National Humanities Center.

Natalie Strynadka, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine

Photo credit: The Royal Society

Professor Natalie Strynadka’s research addresses the critical global health problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Her research is focused on understanding, at an atomic level, how antibiotic resistance mechanisms work in bacteria, and on characterizing and designing novel treatments and ways to inhibit disease-causing bacteria. Prof. Strynadka is a visionary leader in the atomic analysis of membrane protein assemblies underlying infection and one of the first in her field to use cryogenic electron microscopy for this work. She has received ongoing national and international recognition for her research, including as a Fellow of the Biophysical Society of Canada; Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada; and Fellow of the Royal Society, London.

Please join us in congratulating these outstanding members of the UBC community as we honour their extraordinary research and teaching accomplishments.

Diversity and Resilience in the Mind, the Body and the Environment
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

UBC’s three newest University Killam Professors investigate how diversity and resilience inform research spanning philosophy, engineering and bacterial resistance, and explore the roles these concepts can play in ensuring the health of our minds, our bodies and our environment. An audio recording of the event is below.

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