Equity Enhancement Fund call for proposals

May 11, 2022

As part of UBC’s commitment to advancing equity and inclusion across its campuses, faculty and staff are invited to submit a proposal to the Equity Enhancement Fund for projects that are responsive to community needs and advance one or more of the actions outlined in UBC’s Inclusion Action Plan.

Proposals can be submitted by June 5, 2022. A total of $40,000 is available at UBC Vancouver and $5,000 at UBC Okanagan. Applicants can request up to $5,000 per project in Vancouver and up to $1,500 in the Okanagan.

Proposed projects should seek to build more inclusive environments, develop faculty and staff competencies related to issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion, and deliver observable benefits to the representation and/or experiences of equity-deserving groups within the UBC community. Proposals by faculty and staff that focus on student inclusion are also eligible for funding.

For more information, to learn about previously funded projects, and to submit a proposal, visit https://equity.ubc.ca/eef.

If you have questions regarding this fund, contact eef@equity.ubc.ca.

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