We are pleased to announce the inaugural call for nominations for the Open Education Resources (OER) Excellence and Impact Awards, as well as a call for nominations for the 2024 West Coast Teaching Excellence Awards. These awards are open to faculty members at both campuses.
OER Excellence and Impact Awards
The OER Excellence and Impact Awards recognize outstanding work done by faculty who materially advance the use and impact of open educational resources in credit courses at UBC.
Nominees are assessed based on their overall excellence in creating, revising, or using OER in teaching and learning; the impact of their OER work for students, including addressing the affordability of educational materials; and contribution to the greater open education community at UBC.
Four awards are available: one individual and one group award at both UBC Okanagan and UBC Vancouver.
Nominations are due by November 30, 2023, with full application packages due January 25, 2024. More details can be found at https://open.ubc.ca/oer-award/.
West Coast Teaching Excellence Award
UBC is seeking nominations of faculty members or teaching teams to put forward for the West Coast Teaching Excellence Award, which recognizes excellence in postsecondary teaching over a number of years, primarily at the undergraduate level.
Nominees for this award will be characterized by a proven commitment to enhanced student engagement and learning, a reflective and intentional approach to teaching practices, and dedication to teaching improvement, including successful implementation of any of the 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan can each put forward up to two nominees for this regional award. Submission details are as follows:
- UBC Vancouver - submission deadline November 30, 2023. Learn more.
- UBC Okanagan – submission deadline November 30, 2023. Learn more.
These awards represent an opportunity to recognize UBC’s dedicated faculty and teaching teams. We encourage you to share this with your colleagues so we can ensure our community is recognized and celebrated.
Christina Hendricks
Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning pro tem, UBC Vancouver
Brad Wuetherick
Associate Provost, Academic Programs, Teaching and Learning, UBC Okanagan
Heather Berringer
Associate Provost, Academic Operations and Services, UBC Okanagan
This message was sent by Bulletin to the UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan campuses.