The University of British Columbia is a globally connected university that maintains over 300 formal partnerships with institutions around the world. These partnerships are fundamental to fulfilling the university’s purpose of pursing excellence in research, learning and engagement to foster global citizenship and advance a sustainable and just society.
Despite the diversity and number of UBC’s international partners, partnerships with the Global South are notably underrepresented. Seed Funding for Cooperation with the Global South, funded by Academic Excellence Funds, aims to support UBC researchers in initiating or strengthening new and/or existing partnerships, projects or collaborations with partners in the Global South*.
The scheme will provide seed funding of up to $10,000 per selected project for partnership development activities to support the development of joint initiatives, including academic collaborations, capacity development initiatives, impactful research, and knowledge exchange activities that address global challenges and promote sustainable development in partnership with institution(s) in the developing world. The scheme encourages interdisciplinary approaches, promotes equitable partnerships, and emphasizes long-term sustainability and mutual benefit for all stakeholders.
Applicants are invited submit their project ideas and apply for funding by Friday, November 29, 2024, to initiate or deepen collaboration with a partner, or partners, in the Global South. Proposals must include a plan for how the seed funds will support building a sustainable engagement and partnership. The total funding available under this call is $50,000.
Deadline: Friday, November 29, 2024 (11:59PM)
Full Details: See more information here about this call for proposals, including required application materials, eligibility, timelines, and evaluation criteria.
Contact: global.partnerships@ubc.ca
*It must be noted that the term “Global South” is imperfect, contested, and in many ways inaccurate; however there is a lack of alternative terminology that does not face similar, if not greater, difficulties. Successful project proposals will demonstrate an understanding of these complex dynamics. This call will reference the DAC List of ODA Recipients as a definition for eligible countries, with priority given to partnerships with institutions in LDCs and LMICs.