Special call for Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) applications from federally designated groups

December 03, 2019

A message from Eric Eich, Vice Provost and Associate Vice-President, Academic

In an effort to redress the under-representation of members of equity-seeking groups among our Canada Research Chairholders, UBC is inviting applications for up to six Tier 2 Canada Research Chairs in any field of study (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC).

This opportunity is open only to exceptionally qualified individuals who self-identify as members of one or more of the four federally designated groups – women, visible minorities/members of groups that are racially categorized, person with disabilities, or Indigenous Peoples.

The identification of outstanding candidates from the designated groups is central to the University’s mission, and in particular its pursuit of excellence and equity, as well as to its capacity to fulfill the objectives of UBC’s CRC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan.

Applicants must hold a full-time, tenure-track or tenured appointment as Assistant or Associate Professor at UBCV or UBCO. The criteria for awarding chairs will be, first and foremost, research excellence of the faculty member to be nominated.

Full details of this announcement, including application details and timelines, can be found here.

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