Inviting early career researchers to Maximizing Impact 2022-2023

July 11, 2022

A message from Dr. Naznin Virji-Babul, Senior Advisor to the Provost, Women and Gender-Diverse Faculty, UBC Vancouver, and Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Medicine

As Senior Advisor to the Provost on Women and Gender-Diverse Faculty, I am pleased to announce the launch of the 2022-2023 Maximizing Impact program designed for Early Career Researchers (ECRs).

All non-tenured faculty members at the level of Assistant Professor who are within their first three years at UBC are invited to join the program. The program will provide networking opportunities; lunch-and-learn sessions with thoughtful and engaging speakers; and access to group and/or 1:1 leadership coaching.

The pilot program has three components:

  • Monthly online lunch-and-learns, where participants will join invited speakers who will be discussing strategies to navigate the complexities associated with continuing research, managing teaching and the implications for junior faculty for the future. See for a list of speakers from the 2021-2022 program.
  • Certified and experienced UBC Leadership Coaches partner with participants to navigate the complexities associated with the role, explore strengths, uncover the wider system, set and achieve goals, and realize leadership competencies — both professionally and personally. This partnership is supported by UBC Coaching Services, Learning and Talent Development, Human Resources
  • Networking opportunities for faculty who are at the start of their academic careers.

Please register using the following Qualtrics link: by August 15, 2022. The program will start mid-September 2022 and continue through the end of April 2023.

In order to provide the best experience, we are limiting participation to 30 faculty members. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or require additional information.

Naznin Virji-Babul
Senior Advisor to the Provost, Women and Gender-Diverse Faculty, UBC Vancouver
Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Medicine

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