Pandemic Tiers: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected UBC Vancouver Tenured Faculty

August 31, 2022

You are invited to read Pandemic Tiers: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected UBC Vancouver Tenured Faculty, by Samir Traoré, Julia Burnham, and Naznin Virji-Babul.

The cover of the report "Pandemic Tiers: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected UBC Vancouver Tenured Faculty", which shows the UBC Clock Tower and Buchanan Tower in the background, while two people walk over the grass in the foreground

About the report:

The curtailment of on-campus activities, brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, led to a rapidly evolving series of personal and professional challenges impacting the research, teaching, and service of faculty members within and beyond UBC. To better understand and respond to these challenges, the Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic conducted a survey in summer 2020 of UBC Vancouver faculty members’ experiences of the pandemic and, more broadly, workplace climate.

The survey design emphasized the importance of gathering demographic data and using an intersectional analysis to understand the impacts of the interrelated and overlapping pandemics, including racism. While, in general, all faculty members experienced challenges that negatively impacted their ability to work within a pandemic, intersectional analysis of survey data reveals several instances where members belonging to certain socio-demographic groups report significantly greater levels of negative impact.

View the report on our Faculty Equity, Diversity + Inclusion page.

  • Academic Community