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Dr. Larry Lynd appointed as Dean pro tem, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Appointment Date

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Larry Lynd as Dean pro tem of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, commencing August 1, 2023.

Dr. Lynd, Professor and Director of the Collaboration of Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CORE), currently also serves as Associate Dean, Research in the Faculty. A pharmacist, epidemiologist and health outcomes researcher, he completed his PhD in the Department of Health Care and Epidemiology at UBC and a post-doctoral fellowship in health Economics at McMaster University. His research focuses on the integration of epidemiologic and health economic analyses on health outcomes and includes the testing and treatment of rare diseases, multiple sclerosis, and respiratory disease. Further information on his research activities can be found here. Dr. Lynd has contributed significantly on a number of committees nationally and provincially, including as Chair of the Health Canada Special Advisory Committee on Non-prescription Drugs and the BC Ministry of Health Services Expensive Drugs for Rare Diseases Committee.

I am grateful to Dr. Lynd for his willingness to lead the Faculty while the search for the next Dean continues.

Regarding the re-launching of the search, Interim President Buszard has established an expanded President's Advisory Committee (PAC) with the membership listed below. The PAC will be meeting soon to review the candidate profile, and the search consultants will begin their recruitment efforts over the summer. I will continue to provide updates as the search progresses.

As you know, Dr. Michael Coughtrie will conclude his term as Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences on July 31, 2023. During his term as Dean, Dr. Coughtrie has overseen an unprecedented expansion of the Faculty which has led to major successes in research, education & training, and innovation in pharmacy practice. Faculty highlights include two multi-year strategic plans; four new academic programs and innovations in graduate training; growth and advancement of the research enterprise; and innovations in clinical pharmacy practice that have made a real difference to health outcomes. Additionally, Dr. Coughtrie has been instrumental in furthering the Faculty’s efforts in the areas of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigeneity, where the Faculty is now an acknowledged leader among peer institutions in the pharmaceutical sciences.

I am grateful for his leadership of the Faculty over the past 10 years and wish him well in his next endeavours.

Gage Averill
Provost and Vice-President Academic, UBC Vancouver

President's Advisory Committee for the Selection of a New Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • Helen Burt, Professor Emerita
  • Annalijn Conklin, Assistant Professor
  • Mary De Vera, Associate Professor
  • Adam Frankel, Associate Professor
  • Patricia Gerber, Associate Professor of Teaching
  • Shyh-Dar Li, Professor
  • Clara Ng, Assistant Dean, Operations and Strategic Initiatives
  • Marion Pearson, Professor of Teaching
  • Nevena Rebić, Graduate Student
  • Mohsen Sadatsafavi, Associate Professor
  • Tony Sweet, Associate Professor of Teaching
  • Karla Williams, Assistant Professor
  • Marcus Wong, Undergraduate Student
  • Roger Wong, Vice-Dean, Education, Faculty of Medicine
  • Gage Averill, Provost and Vice-President Academic, UBC Vancouver (Chair)
  • Kate Carr, Executive Assistant to the Vice-Provost & AVP, Faculty Planning (Secretary)
  • Brent Cameron, Boyden Executive Search

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