Inviting proposals for the 2024 Continuous Learning Advancement Fund

February 26, 2024

UBC Vancouver faculty members are invited to submit letters of intent (LOI) for Continuous Learning Advancement Fund (CLAF) projects for 2024 funding.

CLAF supports the creation, renewal and expansion of non-degree learning opportunities at UBC Vancouver, to help increase the university’s capacity to serve continuous learners in British Columbia, as set out in UBC’s Strategic Plan.

The CLAF fund accepts proposals for non-credit offerings, with preference given to proposals for fully online, micro-credential, non-credit programs serving continuous learners seeking to change (reskill) or advance (upskill) their careers in high-demand sectors.

A total of $400,000 is available in funding for the 2024/25 CLAF cycle.

Key dates:

  • Letter of intent submissions due May 10, 2024
  • Full project proposals due July 26, 2024
  • Funding will be released to successful proposals by the end of November 2024

For details about the fund, including the application process, evaluation criteria and key dates, visit:

If you have any questions, please email:

Christina Hendricks
Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning pro tem

This message was sent by Bulletin to the UBC Vancouver campus.

  • Awards + Funding