Professor Janice L. Stewart has been appointed as Deputy Provost
It is my pleasure to announce that Professor Janice L. Stewart has been appointed as Deputy Provost for a five-year term, starting May 15, 2024.
As Deputy Provost, Professor Stewart will focus on providing strategic leadership and oversight for academic affairs, faculty recruitment and retention, and ongoing faculty relations matters. They will also support the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver, in the realization of the university’s strategic academic aspirations.
The Deputy Provost position is an evolution of the role of Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (AVP), Academic Affairs, which has been held by Professor Moura Quayle since August 1, 2020. Professor Quayle will finish her term as Vice-Provost and AVP Academic Affairs on July 31, 2024. She will then move into a strategic advising role until February 2025.
Professor Stewart is the Associate Dean, Faculty, in the Faculty of Arts, and a professor at the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice. Their interests include critical theory, gender theory, anti-racist work, and Modernist writers such as Virginia Woolf and Emily Carr. In addition to having taught across several graduate and undergraduate programs, Professor Stewart designed and authored a MOOC titled: “Gender and Sexuality: Applications in Society,” and they played a lead role in the Institute’s curriculum mapping and curriculum renewal initiatives. Professor Stewart served as Dean pro tem for the Faculty of Arts from July 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. They have served as a member of the University’s faculty collective bargaining team and are currently an academic sponsor for the Workday Student project. Professor Stewart received the Killam Teaching Prize in 2009/10.
I wish to thank Professor Quayle for all that she has done in service to the university and the Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver. I would also like to thank the members of the search committee for helping find such an outstanding candidate in Professor Stewart.
I look forward to working with Professor Stewart in their new role, as we recommit to doing all we can in support of UBC and its academic mission. Please join me in congratulating Dr. Stewart on this appointment.
Gage Averill
Provost and Vice-President Academic, UBC Vancouver