“A scholar’s freedom to express ideas through respectful discourse and the pursuit of open discussion, without risk of censure.” (UBC Strategic Plan)
The current Senate Policy on Academic Freedom stipulates the positive obligations of the university. It states:
In 2015, the Honourable Lynn Smith prepared a report that is given here.
Prof. Neil Guppy was the Senior Advisor to the Provosts on Academic Freedom between 2016-2019; during his service he prepared a brief history of academic freedom at UBC. Prof. Margaret Schabas was the Senior Advisor to the Provost on Academic Freedom from January 2020 to December 2021. Prof. Schabas led the significant development of further material on our website.
UBC’s current strategic plan highlights five core values: Excellence, Integrity, Respect, Academic Freedom, and Accountability. Academic Freedom is singled out as “a unique value of the academy” but clearly draws upon, and informs, the other four values. To learn more about respect and accountability, see the UBC Statement on Respectful Environments; Bullying and Harassment Prevention at UBC, and the initiatives of the Equity & Inclusion Office.
In the words of our former Provost: