Educational Leadership 10-year review

Stormwater management pools on University Boulevard, outside of the Chemistry Building
Storm water management pools on University Boulevard, outside of the Chemistry Building. Photo credit: Don Erhardt / UBC Brand & Marketing

The Educational Leadership (EL) stream at the University of British Columbia was established in 2012 following agreement in Collective Bargaining in 2010. The shared aims were to build capacity for UBC to excel in the delivery of its educational mandate and to enhance the career progression for faculty who were Instructors / Senior Instructors. Establishing the new rank of Professor of Teaching served to recognize and promote teaching excellence parallel to research excellence, an approach that broke new ground in Canadian higher education at the time. The creation of the EL stream also introduced revised expectations for instructors and senior instructors in terms of engaging in educational leadership activities.

EL@10: An impact evaluation of 10 years of the Educational Leadership stream at UBC

The Educational Leadership Faculty Stream 10-year review project (EL@10), started in 2023, aimed to evaluate the impact of the introduction of this stream, identifying and highlighting successes over this period and highlighting future opportunities to support UBC's strategic goals.

The study, led by Dr. Simon Bates, was co-authored by Glory Apantaku, Debbie Hart and Antonia Tykei.

Dr. James Charbonneau, Associate Professor of Teaching in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, in a Science One Classroom, speaking with two students.

Full report

This document is the full public version of the final report for this work. It comprises a quantitative analysis of the growth in EL positions over time, together with a synthesis of quantitative and qualitative data from leadership interviews, faculty survey and focus groups.

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Dr. Christina Hendricks, Academic Director for the Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology, and Professor of Teaching in the Department of Philosophy, stands in front of a white board giving a presentation.

Abridged report

This document is the abridged version of the final public report for this work. It contains all sections from the full report, but contains only a subset of quotes from interviews, surveys and focus groups used in the full report. It also omits Appendices, which are available as a separate document.

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Two students studying in the Allard Law Library.

Short report

This document is the shortened version of the final public report for this work. It contains the summary, background, methodology, EL snapshot data, and synthesis and recommendation sections from the full report. For brevity, it omits qualitative and quantitative analysis of the interview, survey and focus group data, as well as the Appendices, which are available as a separate document.

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Three students holding a conversation over laptops, in the UBC Bookstore.


This document contains the Appendices removed from the Short and Abridged versions of this work.

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For any questions on this project, please contact:

  • Debbie Hart, Senior Manager Strategic Projects, Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic, or
  • Dr. Simon P Bates, Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning

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