In 2012, UBC’s Board of Governors adopted the Housing Action Plan (HAP) to help improve affordability and choice for faculty, staff and students based on our Vancouver campus. In 2022, HAP is undergoing a 10-year review that will serve as critical input into the Campus Vision 2050 and the updated Land Use Plan.
Policies within the plan that support faculty recruiting include:
- a commitment to continue building a greater number and variety of rental housing units on campus for faculty members and staff
- finding ways to support home ownership opportunities for faculty, including loan programs and advanced purchase opportunities for market units on campus.
Faculty/Staff Rental Program
The Faculty/Staff Rental Program, one component of the HAP, offers rental housing on UBC Vancouver campus at below market rents for full-time faculty and staff. All units are fairly new, and have the advantage of being within an easy, scenic walk from the main campus. As of September 2022, there are 950 rental housing units in 16 buildings on campus, ranging in size from studios to four-bedroom units, including a good selection of pet-friendly suites. More units are continually being developed, including an additional 450 units (approx.) by 2025. Visit the Housing & Relocation Services website for more information on access for new faculty recruits.
- The implementation framework for two pilot Rent Geared to Income (RGI) housing programs (one for staff and one for faculty) were approved by the Board of Governors on June 14, 2017 as follow-through on earlier commitments of the UBC Housing Action Plan for the Vancouver campus. The pilot programs were launched in spring 2018 and are in their final year of the pilot phase. A Staff Rent-Geared-to-Income (RGI) program provides up to 100 staff members with accommodation in Village Gate Homes apartment units, paying rent capped at 30% of their pre-tax household income, subject to meeting employment, income, and assets requirements
- A Faculty Temporary Rental Housing Support Program (TRHS) to accommodate a total of 10 participants over two years paying rent capped at 30% of their pre-tax household income, subject to meeting eligibility requirements
Faculty Home Ownership Program (FHOP)
The Faculty Home Ownership Program (FHOP), another component of the HAP, was introduced in 2014 to make home ownership on the Vancouver campus more affordable for faculty whose recruitment and retention is determined to be of critical strategic importance to UBC.
- The Prescribed Interest Rate Loan (PIRL) provides approved faculty members a one-time loan to assist with the purchase of a principal residence anywhere in Metro Vancouver. It is a 15-year low-interest and interest-payment-only repayable loan. Loan amounts range from $100,000 to $300,000, although loans in the upper limit are rare.
- The FHOP also offers forgivable Down Payment Assistance loans of $50,000 to new tenure-stream faculty recruits.
Implementation Updates
Explore the Housing & Relocation Services website for more general information on finding access to rental or ownership programs, or email the team with any questions.