Dr. Dermot Kelleher will become UBC’s next Dean of Medicine beginning September 1, 2015. The Board of Governors approved the five-year appointment at its February 12 meeting.
Currently the Vice-President Health and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College London, Dr. Kelleher brings extensive strategic medical leadership skills and experience with academic institutions, health service delivery organizations, government and industry. He is an extraordinary clinician, scientist and entrepreneur who has demonstrated collaboration and collegiality throughout his career. He has been instrumental in the successful development of academic health science centres and networks in the UK and in Ireland. An outstanding academic and administrator, he is an excellent choice for this decanal role.
In December, the President’s Advisory Committee interviewed several strong candidates, narrowing down to a smaller group who were invited back in January for further confidential meetings with people in the university, the Faculty and external stakeholders.
Dr. Kelleher has been invited to come back to UBC to spend more time getting to know people in the Faculty, and will give an academic presentation addressing his background, research, administrative and leadership experience, and the opportunities and challenges he sees for the Faculty.
Dr. Kelleher’s CV and the candidate profile are found at the bottom of this page.
The Provost would like to thank those who participated in the search process, and for their valuable feedback provided to the Advisory Committee. The Provost is grateful to the members of the President’s Advisory Committee for their commitment of extensive time and energy throughout the search.
Dr. Gavin Stuart will complete his term of appointment as Dean on August 31, 2015. We will formally recognize Dean Stuart’s extensive achievements closer to the end of his term, but the Provost would now like to acknowledge his outstanding service to the University and excellent leadership as the Dean of the Faculty during the past 12 years. Dr. Kelleher states: “It is an honour and a privilege to succeed Dean Gavin Stuart in this role. He has developed a vibrant organization combining excellence in education, biomedical science and population health with the capability to lead internationally in healthcare delivery.”
We look forward to working with Dr. Kelleher as he brings his strong commitment to teaching and learning, research excellence, and academic leadership to this role. We hope you will join us in welcoming him to UBC.