Appointment of the Dean of the Faculty of Education, pro tem

Appointment Date
Professor Jan Hare

Following the departure of Professor Blye Frank as Dean of UBC's Faculty of Education, Dr. Jan Hare has been appointed to serve as Dean pro tem, effective July 1, 2021, until a new dean is appointed.

Dr. Hare is an Anishaabe scholar and educator from the M'Chigeeng First Nation. She is currently the Associate Dean, Indigenous Education and the Director of the Indigenous Teacher Education Program (NITEP). She is also Professor in the Department of Language and Literary Education, and holds a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Indigenous Pedagogy.

Her work in the Faculty of Education advances local, provincial, and national directives in Indigenous education resulting in new programs and pathways for Indigenous learners, as well as transforming teaching, learning, and research to be more responsive to Indigenous knowledges.

Dr. Hare is engaged in shaping UBC priorities, including the Indigenous Strategic Plan Implementation Committee, Lead for the Indigenous Engagement Working Group on the Climate Emergency Task Force, and the Joint Committee for Assessing Indigenous Scholarship. 

We look forward to working with Dr. Hare in her capacity as Dean pro tem.

Andrew Szeri
Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver

Ananya Mukherjee Reed
Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Okanagan

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