Appointment of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, pro tem

Appointment Date
Professor Stefania Burk

A message from Andrew Szeri, Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver

There will be a period of time after the current dean of the Faculty of Arts, Professor Gage Averill, concludes his deanship, when UBC will require interim leadership in the Faculty. That interim leadership period will begin on April 4 with Professor Stefania Burk serving as Dean pro tem, followed by a transition to Professor Janice Stewart as Dean pro tem starting July 1.

Professor Burk has been serving as the Associate Dean, Academic in the Faculty of Arts since 2015 and is an Associate Professor of Teaching in the Asian Studies Department. She has a PhD in Japanese Literature and Culture (U. C. Berkeley, 2001) with research interests in the intersections of gender, genre, and patronage in pre-modern Japan. Professor Burk received the Killam Teaching Prize in 2013 and her Educational Leadership has focused on educative approaches to Academic Integrity, program renewal and interdisciplinarity. In her role as Associate Dean, Professor Burk’s work focuses on undergraduate curriculum and program development, the first-year experience, interdisciplinary education, and Bachelor of Arts policies and requirements.

We are grateful to Professor Burk and Professor Stewart for their willingness to lead the Faculty during the interim period.

Please read the full announcement here.

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