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Appointment of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, pro tem

Appointment Date

Professor Janice Stewart will serve as the Dean of the Faculty of Arts pro tem starting July 1.

Professor Stewart is currently the Associate Dean, Faculty, in the Faculty of Arts, and a professor at the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice. Their interests include critical theory, gender theory, anti-racist work, and Modernist writers such as Virginia Woolf and Emily Carr. In addition to having taught across several undergraduate programs, Professor Stewart designed and authored a MOOC titled: “Gender and Sexuality: Applications in Society” and they played a lead role in the Institute’s curriculum mapping and curriculum renewal initiatives. Professor Stewart received the Killam Teaching Prize in 2009/10. Professor Stewart has chaired the Critical Studies in Sexuality program since 2007, and chaired the GRSJ undergrad program from 2012-2020.

Following the appointment of the former Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Professor Gage Averill, as Provost and Vice-President Academic pro tem in April 2022, Professor Stefania Burk served as Dean pro tem April 4 to June 30, 2022.

On April 1, 2022, we announced the appointment of the new Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Clare Haru Crowston, who will commence her role no later than January 1, 2023.

We are grateful to Professor Burk and Professor Stewart for leading the Faculty during the interim period.

Please read the full announcement here.

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