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Eight new Heads and Directors appointed in the Faculty of Arts

Appointment Date

The Faculty of Arts is pleased to announce the appointment of eight new Heads and Directors.

They are:

  • Dr. Leonora Angeles, Director of the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice
  • Dr. Catherine Corrigall-Brown, Head of the Department of Sociology
  • Dr. Michael Griffin, Head of the Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies
  • Dr. Carla Hudson Kam, Head of the Department of Linguistics
  • Dr. Jonathan Ichikawa, Head of the Department of Philosophy
  • Dr. Alan Jacobs, Head of the Department of Political Science
  • Annabel Lyon, Director of the School of Creative Writing
  • Dr. Miu Chung Yan, Acting Director of the School of Social Work

These appointments are effective July 1, 2022.

Please visit to read more about the new academic leadership in the Faculty of Arts.

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