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Dr. Jan Dutz reappointed Head, Department of Dermatology & Skin Science

Appointment Date

The UBC Faculty of Medicine has announced the reappointment of Dr. Jan Dutz as Head, Department of Dermatology & Skin Science, for a second five-year term effective to June 30, 2027.

Dr. Dutz is a professor in the Department of Dermatology & Skin Science. As a senior scientist with the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute, his research focus is the skin immune system and the manipulation of this system to promote immune responses and induce tolerance. Dr. Dutz is a rheumatologist and dermatologist with special clinical interest in the cutaneous manifestations of autoimmunity and rheumatic disease. He also works as a dermatological oncologist at the BC Cancer Agency, where his practice is focussed on malignant melanoma and skin lymphoma.

Read the full announcement on the MedNet website.

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