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Dr. Sean Smukler appointed Director, Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm

Appointment Date

Dr. Sean Smukler has been appointed as the Director of the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems (CSFS) at UBC Farm as of January 1, 2023. Dr. Smukler has been been a CSFS Associate member since joining the Faculty of Land and Food Systems in 2012.

His research focuses on agricultural landscapes in B.C., as well as in various locations in the developing world, to assess management options on agricultural land that maximize biodiversity and the availability of ecosystem services. Smukler currently serves on the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Food’s Advisory Group on Regenerative Agriculture and Agritech (RAA), and he holds the UBC Chair, Agriculture and the Environment.

Please visit the Faculty of Land and Food Systems website to read the full announcement.

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