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Dr. Christina Hendricks appointed Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning, pro tem

Appointment Date

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Christina Hendricks has accepted the role of Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning, pro tem, in the Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic, UBC Vancouver, for the term July 4, 2023 – June 29, 2024.

The Vice-Provost  and AVP, Teaching and Learning is responsible for providing strategic direction and leadership in areas related to teaching and learning, including: continuing education and lifelong learning; developing and implementing initiatives to enhance the quality of teaching, learning, and assessment across the university; and providing guidance and support to faculty and staff on new program and curriculum development, transformative learning, and the use of open education resources.

Dr. Hendricks was recently reappointed for a second term as the Academic Director for the Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology. In this role she provides strategic academic leadership to a talented and dedicated team who support the university’s teaching and learning mission in many ways; this includes: course design; curriculum renewal; teaching and learning professional development; scholarship of teaching and learning; learning technology; learning analytics; and innovation projects. She will take up the appointment in CTLT following her pro tem term as Vice-Provost and AVP, Teaching and Learning

Dr. Hendricks is a Professor of Teaching in the Department of Philosophy at UBC Vancouver where she has taught since joining UBC in 2004. She has also taught in the Arts One program in the Faculty of Arts for many years and served as the Chair of that program for four years. She is a practitioner, advocate, and researcher in Open Educational Resources and Practices, with several publications and numerous presentations and workshops in this area. Dr. Hendricks is also the series editor for a set of open access textbooks for introduction to philosophy courses.

Dr. Hendricks was a member of a working group that created a digital literacy framework as part of the Digital Learning Strategy from the BC Ministry of Post-secondary Education and Future Skills and is currently serving on an Initial Steering Committee for BCcampus. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Legal Information Institute, an organization dedicated to providing free and open access to Canadian law and legal commentary.

“I am honoured to be taking on this role for a year,” said Dr. Hendricks. “I am looking forward to working with the units in the Vice-Provost and AVP Teaching and Learning portfolio, the team in the Provost’s office, and many others in the university community to continue to support and advance excellent teaching and learning at the institution, with a focus on strategic university priorities including the Indigenous Strategic Plan and the emerging StEAR framework.”

Dr. Simon Bates, who has served in the role of Vice-Provost and AVP, Teaching and Learning, pro tem, since its inception in 2022, and prior to that as Associate Provost, Teaching and Learning (2018-2022), will be going on administrative leave as of July 1. I would like to thank him for his hard work and dedication to the academic mission of the university.

The search for the ongoing Vice-Provost and AVP, Teaching and Learning, is expected to conclude shortly, and we look forward to announcing the successful candidate in the coming months.

In the meantime, please join me in congratulating Dr. Hendricks on this pro tem appointment.

Thank you, 

Gage Averill
Provost and Vice-President Academic, UBC Vancouver

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